Monday 29 April 2013

Series 7b Episode 5 - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Review

This episode has been one of the the most anticipated episode of the new series. The title is enough alone to make any fans knees tremble with excitement. I think the episode lives up to excitement even if the ending was a little bit of a let down but I'll get to that later. We get to see plenty of glimpses of rooms such as the swimming pool and the library. I loved the design of the new areas even if some areas such of the library were just like any library. But I quite liked that as it felt like a nod to The Invasion of Time. The Architectural Reconfiguration System was a fantastic idea as I had always wondered how the TARDIS created new rooms just like that and this helped to explain that. It also gave the good feature of being able to twist corridors around and create a labyrinth.

Like last week the show had a really small cast but this gave Matt and Jenna time to shine. There relationship was pushed to the max and this really brought out the best in the both of them. The scene of them just outside the engine room really showed how good these 2 are together. The guest cast were OK but not really that great. They were very forgettable if I am honest.
The episode was action packed from the beginning and I did like how the end linked in with the first scene on the TARDIS in the episode. The revelation of what the creatures was really dark. Definitely one of the darkest ideas in whos history and I did not guess that that was what they were. I liked the fact that the camera was always going in and out of focus during the scenes of them as it didn't give you chance to focus on what they looked like.

This episode really could have been a 10/0 up until the ending of the episode. Though I did like that fact it linked to the beginning, I didn't like that it was basically reset button that saved the day. I think it would have been nice to have another way to have saved the day as I have never been a fan of the reset button. But other than that, it really was such a fantastic episode which I am really looking forward to rewatching. 9/10

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