Monday 15 April 2013

Series 7b Episode 3 - Cold War - Review

This episode just hits the ground running. The Doctor and Clara arrive on a sinking sub in the middle of the Cold War. And if you thought that was bad enough, there is also an Ice Warrior on the loose on the sub. Not seen since the Jon Pertwee story the Monster of Peladon in 1974, the Ice Warriors make their long awaited return after a few failed trys over the years. I really like the redesign of the Ice Warrior as its really is the most faithful redesign since the Daleks back in 2005. I have always loved the Ice Warriors since they are not all evil like some of the creations in Doctor Who. They have the good and the bad ones so you never quite know what you are going to get and I think that this episode really does continue this on. Even though this is one of the bad ones, it shows that mercy at the end of the episode. And in this episode, we finally get to see bits of the creature inside the armour. I did like the design even if the CGI of the head did look a bit ropey. Its not exactly what I had expected and I am not sure on the long thin fingers as I'm not sure how they would fit inside the armor but other that that I do think it looked good.

I had already fell in love with Clara but this episode took it to a new level. I think she is one of the most believable companions that the show has done. She tries to act brave and go and face the Ice Warrior on her own but once she sees the death, it hits her how dangerous it is travelling with the Doctor. I think if she keep it up like this, she might over take Donna as my favourite companion.
The series carried on getting some really good guest starts. In this episode we had David Warner and Liam Cunningham. I was really impressed with both of them. I had not really seen anything with Cunningham but I thought he was very good as the captain of the sub. And David Warner I have known from the Big Finish Doctor Who audios where I have admired him in. I have found him to be a great actor and he doesn't let us down here. I would love to see him return again as Professor Grisenko.

Overall, I did really enjoy this episode. Mark Gattiss has written one of his best Doctor Who scripts here. I have read some comments over the internet that there was not much plot in this episode but I really disagree with this. It was all about the threat posed by the Ice Warrior which was massive since he had access to the missiles. and could have pushed the world into a nuclear war. Since we find out at the end of the episode that there are more Ice Warriors out there, I would love to see more of them again in the future. I would give this episode a 8/10

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