Friday 19 April 2013

Plague of the Cybermen - Review

Plague of the Cybermen is one in the first batch of books released in 2013. It features Matt Smith as portrayed by Matt Smith on the BBC tv series. This is the sixth book to be written by Justin Richards for the range. I thought it was a very enjoyable story. The charactorisation of the Doctor was near spot on in my opinion, though there was some points where I felt it was a bit off such as when he belched. He really captured Matt's little gestures such as when he sticks his chin out and where he plays with his bow tie. He did go a bit over the top with the "... are cool" lines in the story though.
They Cybermen were much quieter than they have been in the TV series over the past few years even though they did keep the stomps. They felt much more like how it sounds they will be in the new 2013 episode, Nightmare in Silver. I did like the little harks back to the past such as the Cybermens problem with radiation and some lines such as "We will survive." The story felt like a modern take of Tomb of the Cybermen which I really enjoy so I had no problem with that. I liked the addition of a cyberised creature but I will not say what as I do not want to spoil it for you. It was a surprise to me even though it was mentioned earlier on in the story.
The most interesting of the supporting characters in this book for me were the family and guards up at the castle. While the villagers were likeable, they went large amounts of time not in it and were not that memorable. I did like the unrequited love between Olga and Klaus.
I think one problem with the story was that there was a lot of back and froing but overall it was a very good story. There were a few moments in the story that made me go "I never expected that" and I found the last chapter to be quite emotionally charged at times. I would give this book an 8/10

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