Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Two Doctors Mark II

As you may or may not know, DWM have confirmed today that David Tennant will be the only returning Doctor in the 50th Anniversary Episode. Now this really bugs me. Since this is supposed to be the 50th Anniversary Celebration Episode, it would be nice to have the others back for a celebration. Steven keeps saying that he wants to look forward and not back as an excuse for not bringing them back but if that is so, why has he brought back 10 and Rose? It doesn't make sense really. It looks more like he has only approached the Doctors he has worked with to be in it, AKA 9 and 10, and isn't looking back at the other 8 doctors. This is the 50th Anniversary, not the 7th!!
I really hope this is one big lie and in fact they are in it and Steven is just keeping it a big secret to make it a surprise but with each passing day, I am losing hope. This news has just added more fuel for the people who think "Moffat Must Go" and I hate to say it, but I am slowly leaning towards that opinion now. As much as I love his writing, he doesn't seem to be doing a very good job at running the show. So please surprise us and do this correct and celebrate the 50 years of Who.

1 comment:

  1. I bet DWM are lying. Don't believe it for one minute.

    Were we told Jenna Louise Coleman's debut appearance would be 'Asylum of the Daleks'? Nope, we were told it would be 'The Snowmen'.

    We were also told Clara would join as the new companion in 'The Snowmen' but she didn't.

    So perfectly plausible that this is a lie too.
