Sunday 5 May 2013

Series 7b Episode 6 - The Crimson Horror - Review

The Crimson Horror started out like it was a pilot for a Paternoster Gang spinoff and then rounded up as a fantastic traditional Doctor Who story. Now I have seen some people saying that they did not like the fact it took the Doctor around 15 minutes to turn up but I liked that and it gave them the chance to do that brilliant recap. That was a stroke of genius. Now I wouldn't want it every week but as a one off it worked really well. This is Paternoster Gang's third story now, and I think they are working well together. Strax has to be my favourite of the gang with his wonderful one liners. "Horse, you have failed in your mission!" I think they would really work well in their own series. Jenny, Strax and Vastra, saving good old Victorian London town!

The series continues to get some fantastic guest stars, with this week's Dame Diana Rigg and daughter Rachael Stirling. They both played a blinder in this episode. Diana's character was a villain who just wanted to kill because she was just not a very nice person which is something Doctor Who has been missing for a while. The fact that she had used her own daughter to test on was a big shock to me. I wonder if her character had always been bad or if it was only since Mr Sweet had come along when she went bad.
Mr Sweet while being a good idea for a villain felt a let down for me. He didn't seem to do much except feed off Rigg's character. His death was good though. I have to admit, I did look away when she was whacking him one.

I was a little disappointed that they rather glossed over the whole Clara being alive storyline really. I was hoping for a short scene between the Doctor and the Paternoster Gang discussing Clara. I know it was mentioned a few times but not much was really said. I supposed Moffat wants to do that himself.
I would give this episode an 8/10 as it felt like a classic Doctor Who story. Plenty of horror moments with some humour thrown in. Both Marks stories this year have been very strong after the last few being a bit weak.

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