Saturday 3 August 2013

What I want from The Twelfth Doctor

With tomorrow being the day when we finally find out who has been cast as the Twelfth Doctor, I have been thinking through what sort of person I want to be the Twelfth Doctor.

Older - I want 12 to be in his late 40s-mid 50s. As we have just had out youngest doctor yet, I really want to get an older guy in the role once more. I'd like the Doctor to slightly go back to the grandfather side to him and it would bring out a new side of the relationship between the Doctor and Clara.

More Serious - I love 11's eccentric edge he has to him as that is how I see the Doctor but I want 12 to be more of a serious Doctor. Something more like 1, 3 or 9. Yes, I do want some childishness to be kept as that should run though all the Doctors but I just want 12 to be really different to 11.

Male - Now I know there are some people who scream sexist when people say the Doctor should stay male but I just think this is a must! I'm sorry but the Doctor is a male character and should always stay this way. Yes, it could be interesting to run for a story but I would not want to see him changed to female for the long run. It would be like changing James Bond to female in my opinion. Just keep this how it has always been please!

Different - It is important to me that 12 has a completely different personality to 11. I wand as much of a jump as there was from 1 to 2 and 9 to 10. Yes, you need to keep the important aspects of the Doctors personality but I want him to be as different as you can make him. This can then give you new ways of taking the story and after all, this is what has kept Doctor Who fresh for the last 50 years.

So overall really the sort of people who would fit the role for me would be people like Ben Daniels, Sean Pertwee or Peter Capaldi. They are the sort of person I would love to see as Doctor number 12. Though, if Moffat does decide to go young again, I won't be disappointing as I trust the Moff. Afterall, he cast Matt and he turned out to be one of the best Doctors there has been in my opinion!

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