Friday 26 July 2013

Doctor Who: Series 7 "Complete" Boxset

I have just seen the press release for the "Complete" Series 7 UK release of Doctor Who and I have to say I am really disappointed in what I have read. I have not really ever felt the need to have a moon about the boxsets before but this time I just felt it was needed.
Firstly, it seems that they are not going to be including the 2011 Christmas Special, The Doctor The Widow and the Wardrobe. Now, I am not the biggest fan of this story but I think it needs to be included on the boxset to make this set complete. Without it they might was well call it "The Incomplete Series 7."
Secondly, it is being released over in America a whole month before it is in the UK. I really think that this is just wrong! Since it is filmed and produced over here in the UK, I think it should either be released here first or even a same day release. It just feels like America are getting more and more things before us at the moment and its rather annoying me.
Thirdly, I am disappointed in the lack of Commentaries. Since Series 5 I have been disappointed that they keep declining. I think for the price we pay, I would have liked a bit more than 4 commentaries. I was really hoping that we would be getting a com each for Asylum of the Daleks, Angels Take Manhattan and The Name of the Doctor. I really do like listening to the insight of the audio commentaries and with Confidential now gone, I think they are even more important.
I feel sad that I have had to have had this rant and I hope that its either some miss-communication or these decisions get changed. At the moment I really do not think that what has been listed for release is worth the £50+ they are asking for.

Update from the 30th July 2013
Today there has been an update on the omission of The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe from the Complete Series 7 set. BBC Worldwide have stated today that,
Originally the decision was taken not to include this release on the box set as it had previously been released as a standalone product. However after listening to feedback from our fans we have decided to include the episode and its prequel on the set. The price of the set will not be altered as a result of the change of contents
So thanks to the fans sending in the complaints, we have a victory on one of the points I made in my last blog post. I now hope that they will reconsider the release date and put the UK and US release in line with each other.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of fans are pissed off with this. Emailing the BBC is probably the best thing to do - so will be interested to see what they have to say (probably a load of disinterested blather about schedules and excuses).
