Sunday 4 August 2013

Matt Smith is the Doctor!

January 3rd 2009. I remember this day well because of one, we had a small family get together and two, it was the day that Matt Smith was announced as the Eleventh Doctor. They had scheduled a Doctor Who Confidential episode for that day but up until a few days before, it was being called "The Ten Doctors." When they finally announced that it was infact to be called "The Eleventh Doctor" and that we would finally learn the identity of Doctor number Eleven the internet went into meltdown. I remember the names floating around. Paterson Joseph, James Nesbitt and even Alan Davies. But of cause the part went to 26 year old Matt Smith.

The program started with a 15 minute segment looking back at the previous 10 doctors with input from Steven Moffat, David Tennant and Russell T Davies. The all of a sudden this flophaired young man appeared on the screens for the first but not the last time. I remember when he first came on the screen thinking "Oh I'm not that sure about him. He just doesn't seem right" but I changed my mind when I saw the photoshoot image that was released after the show was over. He just looked right standing there with the TARDIS. Though he did not turn out how I expected him to be. Because of the image being quite dark and blue, I expected him to be quite a serious and dark Doctor and I am so glad he wasn't. I just don't think that would have suited Matt at all but that may just be hindsight. When I re-watched the Confidential the next day, it just backed up for me that they had made the right choice. 

Now we are less than 24 hours away from finding out who has been cast for the Twelfth Doctor, it is going to be interesting to see how the reaction to him will be. I know there was a lot of "oh he is too young" with Matt which I never really got but its going to be interesting to see how people accept this new guy and whether it is any of the people that have been names or if they have gone with another new face once again. Personally, I just excited and a little bit nervous to find out who is the Twelfth Doctor!

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