Wednesday 9 October 2013

Doctor Who - Missing Episodes Reveal 2013

The rumour that some new Missing Episodes of Doctor had been found has been circulating around the internet for the majority of the year. The news came to the forefront on Sunday when the Sunday People published a story that "that 106 BBC programs have been unearthed featuring the first two doctors." This artical was very suspicious though since 106 episode are currently missing from the archives and it would be close to impossible that all of the missing episode had been recovered.
Later that day though, the Radio Times published that "missing episodes of Doctor Who will be made available for sale to the public this Wednesday" and that there would be a press conference on the Tuesday. This added a lot of credit to that some missing episodes had been found. But it still was not definite news since the BBC had yet to give an official comment.
The next day the Radio Times tweaked the aritcal stating that the press conference had been pushed back to "later this week". The Guardian then picked up the story stating that the press conference was to be hold on Thursday. There was still a big doubt in the air since the BBC were staying quiet on the matter. Yesterday, the BBC News picked up on the news with Lizo backing up that missing episodes were due to be announced this week. With the BBC News also picking, this pretty much confirmed that missing episodes had been found.
Today, a notice appeared on the official website of Deborah Watling (who played the 2nd Doctors companion Victoria) stating that "Deborah, along with Frazer Hines, will be helping the BBC to launch the newly found Dr.Who episodes this Thurs (10/10/13), betwwen 3.30pm and 7.00pm approx." Although the press conference is taking place tomorrow afternoon, The Telegraph have tweeted saying we will not get to hear which episode have been discovered until Friday. It is looking like a midnight embargo however so there is not much of a delay to wait.
It is currently rumoured that the episodes that have been found are The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear, however Marco Polo, The Savages and The Ice Warriors have also been mentioned. We will have to wait until Friday to find out for definite which episode have been found. After months of speculation, it is nice to finally have some firm news. I for one cannot wait to hear some official news when it is released and find out what has indeed been found.

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