Thursday 26 March 2015

2005! Ten Years of NuWho

As a child of the 90's, I didn't grow up with Doctor Who. I vaguely knew what it was but that was all (have memory of going around garden shouting EXTERMINATE.) So when it came back it passed me by. 
My mother had told me to watch it but as a 12 year old I just ignored her. On April 2nd however, I was bored. My 2 nieces were over and had nicked my room so I went into my mums room and turned on the TV. Basically, I tuned in by accident and am still watching. 
I have vivid memories of watching the scene in "The End of the World" where Rose was talking to the plumber while I was lying down on my mums bed, head nearest the TV. Didn't get to see Rose until months later when in Woolworths I asked (probably begged) my mother to buy me Series 1 Volume 1 and 4 on DVD. 
Don't know if I saw week after week but I think I must have as I remember being really excited to see the Daleks back in the trailer at the end of Boom Town. 
Cannot believe its been ten years! Where has the wonderful time gone. Happy Birthday to the current regeneration of Doctor Who! Long may you continue!