Saturday 23 November 2013

"An Unearthly Child" Review

I've seen this story many a time. Its an amazing introduction to the show that we know and love. I think this episode really stands the test of time. It starts off with the amazing title sequence which is just ground breaking for the time it was made in. And the theme tune is so magical and yet unearthly which just heralds what is to come with the series. I love that the theme tune continues on over the policeman checking the gates to the junk yard. And with our first glimpse of the TARDIS we have that unearthly hum which gives us that sense that its not just an ordinary police box.
What some newer viewers might find strange is that the Doctor is actually the last character to be introduced in the episode. We are first treated to the introduction of Ian and Barbara at Coal Hill School. This first scene introduces us to the mystery of Susan Foreman and her Grandfather, the Doctor. They decide to go check out the junk yard in which is the address Susan gave to the secretary. This is one aspect of the story that I think wouldn't have been allowed if this story was made these days since it could sort of be classed as stalking.

In the car while waiting for Susan to turn up, we have some great foreknowledge. Susan says that she thought we were on the decimal system which was not actually introduced until 1971, 8 years after this story was televised. They follow her into the junk yard after seeing her entering the the site entrance. This is where we are introduced to the Doctor for the first time. This is not the Doctor we have grown to know and love. He starts off as a much more cold hearted and fiery character. Before the entrance to the TARDIS, he is just very dismissive as he is trying to get rid of the two of them.
That first entrance to the TARDIS is one of the best moments from Doctor Who for me. I wish they had used a simular shot to the pilot when Barbara runs in and the camera follows from the doors but thats just one small quibble I have. The set designed for the TARDIS is just an amazing budget especially when you remember the small budget they had. It really forms the basis of the design of what has continued throughout the 50 years. There is some really great dialogue throughout this TARDIS scene. Alot of memorable explanations of the things we now know and love about the series. "Have you ever wondered what its like to be wonderer's? To be exiles?" And as we come to the end of the episode we are treated to the first TARDIS take-off. The sound of the TARDIS was made up of a manipulated sound of a key being scrapped against piano stings. And from that we have the great sound of the TARDIS which was so magical it is still used to this day.

This episode is one of my favourite single episodes of Doctor Who. The serial is let down by the last 3 episodes but this episode is a definite 10/10. A memorable episode which really does still feel as great as it must have done when it first aired. How much I would love to go back to 1963 and get to watch this episode without the foreknowledge. To see them walk into the TARDIS and not know that size difference.

Thursday 21 November 2013

"An Adventure in Space and Time" Review

What a fantastically piece of heartbreaking television. Hats off to Mark Gatiss. He managed to create the perfect celebration of the birth of the best television show in the universe! There was many a moment there for die hard fans to just cheer out at yet it was also very watchable for people who don't watch Doctor Who. There was many a tear throughout the show. The first one for me was during Bradley's recreation of the farewell speech. It just genuinely moved me. And then the ending. Wow! So heartbreaking. From the breaking down to the last days filming.
Right, lets talk about the casting. I think the main cast was perfectly cast. Especially Sydney Newman, Waris Hussein, Verity Lambert and William Hartnell. The credits where they showed side-by-side pictures really showed this. And not only did they look the spitting image of who they were portraying, they were fantastically played as well. The smaller parts were not as good really but you don't really mind since they were only very small scenes. I loved the cameos from the original cast members. It was a brilliant inclusion of William Russell, Carole Ann Ford, Anneke Wills and Jean Marsh.

This drama shows how much faith Sydney Newman and Verity Lambert had in the series. If it wasn't for these 2 people (and there are many others too), we really wouldn't have the series today. It would have ran for a few weeks and that would be it. It was great how Sydney brought in 2 people in which people had no confidence because they were different to the normal way and with them they created history.
The whole ending was beautiful. From when Verity was told that Hartnell was ill I had a tear in my eye. And then when he broke down by the fire I was close to breaking down also. It was so moving to see that stern front just break away and show the true side of the legend beneath. And then onto the regeneration and the surprise cameo. I'm not naming who it is as I don't want to ruin the surprise but I was hoping they would include this person so was happy to see him. The look on Hartnells face was perfect. The twinkle in the eye, the happiness and yet the sadness at losing a massive part of his life.
There is only one score I can give this episode. 10/10. A fantastic celebration of the show we all know and love. A definite highlight of the 50th Anniversary. Thank you so much for sharing this Mark. Absolutely Fantastic!

Thursday 14 November 2013

"The Night of the Doctor" Review

The Fiftieth Anniversary of Doctor Who officially started today with the release of the new Mini Episode, The Night of the Doctor. And what a way to start with the return of The Eighth Doctor who was last seen on screen in 1996 in his only television story. I love that little nod of a line to us of "I'm a Doctor, but probably not the one that you are expecting." While there had been rumours floating about for months about this episode, it was still a fantastic surprise to see Paul back.
The first part of the episode was focussed around the Doctor trying to save Cass off the crashing spaceship though she refused to be helped after learning that he was a Time Lord. This just shows how much the Time Lords had become hated during the Time War. This is keeping in line with the End of Time and I presume it will be referenced again during the Day of the Doctor. Another great thing is that we finally get the chance to see the Eighth Doctor regenerate in this episode. A mystery which has been kept secret since 2005. I read a comment online which said they were disappointed in the fact they didn't like the Doctor died in a spaceship crash. I think this was still a fitting way to die. He could have just gone and left Cass but instead he stayed on board incase she changed her mind, sacrificing himself once again for one person.

In the second part of the episode we see another return. The sisterhood of Khan, last seen in the Brain of Morbius with Tom Baker. This was a fantastic surprise and made sense really with there history with the Time Lords. While The Doctor did switch rather quickly from staying one of the good guys to the warrior, this was needed since the episode only had a short amount of time to tell this story. He realised that if he didn't change and go on, countless more lives would be lost so he needed to turn into the War Doctor.
We also see the Big Finish Companions mentioned here, officially making the audio adventures canon to those who doubted it. This is one of the things that made my day. These stories are fantastic and deserve to be recognised. If you haven't heard them go buy one now in the Big Finish sale. You won't regret it!
"Physician Heal Thyself" I think this was a perfect last line for Eight. Following on from him saluting his companions. It felt really true to what his Doctor would say. I loved that when we finally saw Hurt, they had used a younger version of him showing how long he ended up fighting this war.
This episode really was a fan letter to the fans. So many things to make us happy. From the return of Eight, to the audio companions reference, to 8's regeneration and the Sisterhood of Khan. What a fantastic 7 minutes. It still feels like a dream... 10/10 I am now looking forward to what the rest of the anniversary has in store!